1107 S. First St. DeKalb, IL 60115
Located at:
Sunday School - 9:15 Worship - 10:30
Pastor - Tom Hughes

Recent Sermons
Handout 022325
Handout 030925
Handout 030225

Who We Are:
The DeKalb Christian Church was born in 1963 from the faith and vision of several DeKalb area families. These families prayed and labored to establish a non-denominational, independent fellowship of believers who seek to follow Christ, and wear only His name.
The present building was built in 1966, and those that continue to meet, fellowship, and grow in it are still committed to making disciples, and honoring God by bringing lives into harmony with Him and one another through worship, discipleship, benevolence, and fellowship.
Our worship time consists of a blended mix, of traditional hymns, and contemporary christian music.
Pastor Tom's sermons are straight from God's Holy Word, put into real life application.
Where We Stand:
Without reservation, we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and as a result our desire is to recognize His Lordship in our lives. We believe the bible is God's divinely inspired Word, and the only rule of faith and practice for all Christians. Seeking to be like a New Testament congregation, we desire to follow the commands, precepts, and examples set forth in scripture. With the Bible as our authority in matters of faith and practice, we have determined to hold as essential to salvation, the same requirements as set forth by the New Testament.

A Believer in Christ, to worship & deepen your faith.
If Not A Believer In Christ, please accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
For All, we desire to help you grow in a meaningful relationship with Christ,
to be a part of our fellowship and share life together,
and to experience the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.